Tuesday 9 February 2016

English 9 SPECTRUM
Today, we finished up Romeo and Juliet Act 1. We started our second letter.

Finish your letter!
Topic: As Benvolio (Montague) or Mercutio (neutral, but friend of Romeo), write a letter commenting on his behavior during Act 1 scene 5. Did he make the right decision to follow his heart? Should he have spoken to Rosalind?

English 10
Today, we read The Tell-Tale Heart, and discussed some of the similar motifs and themes across texts.

Click here for the short story.

Do number 1 and 4 for homework.

1. Why does the narrator lead the policeman to the old man's room? Why does he say the police "knew" that the body was hidden there? Do you agree with his perception? Comment.

4. What are some of the conflicts in the story? What effect does telling the story from the narrator's point of view have on the development of conflict?

English 12AP
We reviewed our essays from Friday and got two scores for our work. This is only the first essay this semester. It's not for marks. Paragraphs will be returned tomorrow. We'll be starting some novels later this week, and will begin diving into more independent work. Be sure to have your double entry journal guide with you for each class.

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