Wednesday 6 January 2016

January 6, 2016

English 9 SPECTRUM
Today we examined the attitudes towards death in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven".

Fill in your purple sheet. Draw 4 examples that show the narrator's attitude toward's death.

English 8
We read our 4th myth, Theseus. For our comic strip, pick a myth, and make a strip for it. You must use at least 6 boxes to tell the myth. This story should be neat and accurate. Each box should have some text - either dialogue or narration. We will have some class time tomorrow to work on it. The comic strip will be due on Friday.

English 11
More great book talks! We did an introduction to Apocalypse Now and some mindmaps of core ideas. We will revisit these mind maps tomorrow, a brief discussion on acting in Shakespeare, and some rehearsal time.

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