Monday 18 January 2016

January 18

English 11
We're nearly done with book talks! Almost there!

Today we discussed some of our results for Apocalypse Now. Tomorrow we'll be looking at a poem that was partially inspired by Heart of Darkness. Bring your Apocalypse Now worksheets as I'll collect them for a quick check.

English 8
One more presentation to go. If we have time we'll discuss the story and we'll start watching Touching the Void.

English 9 SPECTRUM
Last day for writing essays. If you need more time, please come after school tomorrow, at lunch, or before school. I should be arriving shortly before 8am.

Thursday 14 January 2016

January 14, 2016

English 11
We've been making progress on our film study. Part 3 will be tomorrow. We'll be discussing the 3 big themes on Monday.

English 8
Presentations on Greek gods start tomorrow. Be ready! Check your criteria sheet to make sure you've completed all the expected elements. The presentations must be between 7 and 10 minutes for each group.

 English 9 SPECTRUM

Thursday 7 January 2016

January 7, 2016

English 11
Today we discussed our mindmaps for the AN topics, and went over a few key items to think about for our Shakespeare performances. Also, rehearsal time!

English 8
We completed our last set of questions for Theseus. Comic strips are coming along quite nicely! Something to keep in mind: plan what you will put into each box before you start drawing. We will get one more day of work time on these comic strips and hand them in Monday.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

January 6, 2016

English 9 SPECTRUM
Today we examined the attitudes towards death in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven".

Fill in your purple sheet. Draw 4 examples that show the narrator's attitude toward's death.

English 8
We read our 4th myth, Theseus. For our comic strip, pick a myth, and make a strip for it. You must use at least 6 boxes to tell the myth. This story should be neat and accurate. Each box should have some text - either dialogue or narration. We will have some class time tomorrow to work on it. The comic strip will be due on Friday.

English 11
More great book talks! We did an introduction to Apocalypse Now and some mindmaps of core ideas. We will revisit these mind maps tomorrow, a brief discussion on acting in Shakespeare, and some rehearsal time.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

January 5, 2016

English 11
Today we had our first round of book talks. Make sure you check the sign-up sheet so you know which day you will be presenting. As for the Macbeth project, be prepared to do some extra work at home to make sure your lines are memorized!

Make sure you bring your permission slips in ASAP!

Monday 4 January 2016

January 4, 2016

Happy New Year!

There are three weeks left this semester. It's time to get to work!

English 9 SPEC
Today we took another look at Raven, and began to examine the narrator's stream of consciousness. What are his attitudes about death? Does his attitude about death change over the course of the poem?

English 11
Tons of work was handed back as well as your updated marks for English 11. Everyone is now in their groups for the Macbeth project.

English 8
We started the good copies of our bumper stickers. They're looking really great! Bring your drafts in for Tuesday, and we can put them up.

Finish your bumper stickers for Tuesday.