Thursday 3 December 2015


English 8
Today we finished our first connections paragraph. Good job all around. If all goes well, I'll be able to return the drafts to you tomorrow and we'll be able to use the feedback going forward.

Read the short story: Crime on Mars and do questions 1 - 7. This includes both level 1, 2, and 3 questions.

English 11
First lit circle complete! Plenty of excellent discussion all around. We'll be blasting through Act 2 tomorrow.

Get started on your next role. Make sure you've handed in your first role before the weekend, as I'll have them all marked and returned by Monday next week.

English 9 SPECTRUM
Many of us finished our paragraphs today. For those of you who need a little more time, the only time that's really going to work is Monday morning before class. Do your best to come in before class tomorrow and we'll get to work on finishing that essay. Monday, we'll be doing an editing activity.

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