Monday 14 December 2015


English 8
Today we started reading "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." The headless horseman wants you to write 4+ sticky notes and put them right there into the story. These sticky notes could be any of the following:

1. Question about any element of the story or about the writing.
2. Comment about any element of the story or about the writing.
3. Opinion!

Tomorrow we'll be looking at connections to this story, and we'll be using a different colour to indicate the connections we make.

Finish your sticky notes!

English 11
You'll be getting permission letters for watching Macbeth and Apocalypse Now. Both of these films offer an expanded understanding of what we've been doing in class. We need the permission letters because the films are R rated.

Today, we read up to Act 4 scene 2. We'll do scene 3 and much of act 5 tomorrow. The plan is to finish by Wednesday! (Thursday is our final lit circle day).

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