Monday 16 November 2015


English 11
I'm now knee deep in marking your essays. My feedback is generally about 200 - 350 words each, so it's taking time. My goal is to get these back to you by Thursday or Friday. Some of these essays are 10 pages long, so we'll see how long it will take.

Pat yourselves on the back for a job well done. With the rough draft done, a major step has been taking towards the completion of our LOTF unit.

For those of you who made a bibliography - excellent work. I was so entrenched in marking while you wrote that I didn't collect them! We will need a bibliography eventually, so if you made your bibliography for today, you'll be saved the trouble of submitting one with your good copy next week.

You deserve rest tonight. Do nothing - unless you have homework in other classes. Do that first, then do nothing.

English 8
Great job on the lit circles today! We move onward towards our big element of fiction: Theme tomorrow. Our next meeting is going to be on Friday.

Be sure to stay caught up!

English 9 SPECTRUM
We started watching Walter Mitty today. Remember: we want to compare the role of his fantasies from the short story, as well as any other similarities you may find. The film and short story are significantly different. If you want to get ahead, you could reread Mitty in our short story book before Wednesday.

(optional) reread Walter Mitty in our short story book.

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