Friday 20 November 2015


English 9 SPECTRUM
Today, we finished watching Walter Mitty, and started forming thesis statements for a compare and contrast essay. The enthusiasm around a good thesis is excellent, but we have a lot more work to do!

*edit* No class on Monday (duh!). Tuesday, we're going to revisit thesis statements, and learn about essay outlines for compare and contrast essays. We'll take another look at two approaches for compare and contrast essays.

English 8
We had our lit circle meeting today. Our final lit circle meeting will be on November 26. On November 30, we'll have our novel presentations. I will be providing the details of this next week.

Begin preparing your role for the next meeting. Don't fall behind!

English 11
We completed our Shakespearean Sonnets and handed them in. Several students wanted to make small revisions to their poem; please make sure this is handed in by Monday. Speaking of Monday, we'll be getting our essays back with feedback. Monday and Tuesday will be revision days. Come prepared to write!

One final note: A few of you asked about bibliographies for the essay. You can do this over the weekend if you want, but constructing an appropriate bibliography will be part of our workshop on Monday and Tuesday.

Make the necessary updates to your sonnet if you haven't handed it in yet.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Mr. Rogers, Adelaide here! I was wondering is it necessary to circle the lit devices in our sonnet?


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