Thursday 1 October 2015

Welcome to Colour Wars!

Lots of work today for all classes. Today was a busy day full of writing and refining.

English 11: Today we wrote our 2nd literary elements paragraph. Something to think about as we write - Passive voice vs Active voice.

You can tell if the sentence is passive if you can fit a "By whoever" at the end of it. We want to avoid passive writing because it allows authors to drop the agentive of a sentence. It's also boring. Active voice is more challenging to write, but with practice it will come naturally.

Take a well-earned break tonight. Tomorrow, we move on to our last short story before the final project.

English 8: Excellent presentations today. Thanks to all our courageous presenters who went first. It was certainly a job well done. Please note: if you will be late on an assignment, you need to communicate with me before the due date!

Tomorrow, we might be able to get 5 - 7 presentations in. Please come ready!

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