Tuesday 27 October 2015


Wait - how did six days go by without an update? The short version: marking and work time. That said, we are nearing the end  of the first term this semester, and grades are finally coming together.

English 8
We started work on our project for The Outsiders. Tomorrow, we'll have a brief discussion about the nature of the title. A little reminder about our project: please use class time effectively - being chatty about something other than the project isn't exactly on-task!

Homework: get rolling on that script! We will have more class time tomorrow to work on it.

English 9 SPECTRUM
Yes, debate marks will be returned when we meet tomorrow. I can't be bribed, so stop trying.

English 11
We're in the last leg of the monomyth. By the end of Star Wars, we'll want to have our monomyth filled in, and a literary theory all good to go.

Homework: Read chapter 8.

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