Thursday 15 October 2015

THANATOS thursday.

Hey, little sun.
Don't be shy.
Come on out an' say

English 8
Newspaper articles are due tomorrow, please make sure they are typed and tidy. We started our friends & family tree assignment today. They'll be due Tuesday. There are a few important things to remember:

1. Families are private. That means you should get permission before you put someone's full name down on the tree. If you can't get permission, you should leave part of their name off the tree. If they don't want to give permission, you could simply write "Grandfather", or whichever role would fit their name.

2. If someone in your family is adopted, put them in the tree just as you would any family member.

3. Since this is a friends & family tree, don't forget to leave space along the same line where you would put siblings. Friends that are not family should have no lines from their name - since they aren't related to you.

Your family tree should show the following:
1. You
2. Parents/Aunts/Uncles
3. Grandparents
4. (optional) Cousins
5. Friends

English 9 SPECTRUM
Excellent debate, today! You all should pat yourselves on the back (audience included!) for your excellent work through the class. The next debate will be on Monday, October 15, for Mitty.

I have learned that there is a "we" day on Wednesday next week. This means we'll have to delay the last debate until Monday, October 22.

English 11
We will be finishing presentations on Friday. Once we're done, we may start our next unit. This depends on the time available in class.

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