Monday 19 October 2015


English 11
We went over several parts of the opening chapter for LOTF. Also, we got a handout that covers some ideas on literary theory. Something to think about: psychoanalytic literary theory, and LOTF. We're going to see about drawing connections between literary and text.

DEJ for chapter 1 & 2.

English 8
Another sentence correction! Semicolons can be tricky business. For now, let's try using them to fix our run-on sentences. When you find a run-on, determine where you think the period should go in order to split the sentence. Instead of a period, try a semicolon.

Several of you have decided to improve or redo your family trees. Due to the homework load, you may hand these in by Friday. Scroll down my blog to see what I want on your tree. Check below for an example:

Read chapter 9. Complete a DEJ that covers ch 7, 8, and 9(3 quotes in total). If you have decided to redo your family tree, you may work on it. If you didn't finish your response during class time, please finish it before Tuesday!

Response questions:
1. How is each member of your family, including yourself, unique and different? (It's ok to pick 1 family member)
2. How do these differences contribute to a stronger family?
3. How does your family influence you?

English 9 SPECTRUM
Great work on another debate today. Our final debate will be on Tuesday. Wednesday we'll be doing something very different!

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