Tuesday 29 September 2015

Homework - On Backwards Day!

Happy backwards day! It's a great day for plenty of students to crash into each other with their backwards hoodies on.

English 8:
Today we handed in our gender identity assignments from yesterday. Please make sure you put the correct assignment into your folder! After that, we went over the format we'll use for our double entry journals. We will expand on this as the course progresses.

Homework: Find 2 good quotes, and put them on the left side of the journal. Using the response guide we discussed in class, respond to each quote (at least 2 sentences, not more than 4 sentences).

Your interest project is due on Thursday, October 1. Come prepared to share!

English 9 SPEC:
For Wednesday, we have our character limericks to hand in. These will be considered drafts, and we will make good copies during class time tomorrow.

Also, don't forget to research some debate styles. We need to come to class with some ideas, and be prepared to discuss some specific styles - think Oxford!

English 11:
All done with Greene's Destructors. The quote assignment we had for homework was a bit tricky. This is the nature of author intent. Don't worry, we're going right back into reader responses. Remember - interpreting any kind of text is an ongoing dialogue between the audience and the author. At one end, we have author intent, and at the other, reader response. Often, these two are quite similar, other times, not so much. What matters, is that your evidence supports your interpretation.

Homework: Read Shirley Jackson's The Lottery, and complete your DEJ for tomorrow.

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