Thursday, 31 March 2022


 Breadwinner Chapter 3

  1. Why did Parvana want a light on in the night?
  2. Why did mother decide to go to jail to try to help Father? What was the walk to jail like?
  3. Given all that has happened, it seems impossible to reach Parvana’s father. Write a letter as Parvana to her father.

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

English 10

 Find 3 articles from the link below that are shown as false. For each one, write:

  1. Why was this news item popularized?
  2. How does it attempt to escalate or de-escalate the war in Ukraine?
  3. How was it proven false, or miscaptioned?

Here's the link:

Monday, 28 March 2022


 Breadwinner Questions. Once we finish Chapter 1 and 2, please do the following questions!

  1. Chapter 1 introduces us to the world of The Breadwinner. What kind of life does Parvana live?
  2. What kind of place does Parvana's family live in?
  3. What disability does Parvana's father have?
  4. What happened at the end of chapter 2 that changed Parvana's family?
  5. Why did this happen?
  6. Predict what kinds of new problems will this create for the family.
  7. Who is Hossain, and what happened to him?

Monday, 7 March 2022

The Veldt

Greetings ELL3! Here's our work for The Veldt:

1. How have advancements in technology affected the kids? The parents? The family as a whole?
2. Why do you think the story was originally called “the World the Children Made”?
3. What explanations can you give for the father’s wallet and the mother’s scarf being in the nursery? What does this suggest about the events that follow?
4. How does Bradbury create and maintain suspense? Give examples from the story.
5. Where is the irony in this story? What kind of irony is it? What is a satire?