Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Reading Questions!


1. What does the word "acid" mean?
2. What is the acid called which is used in a car battery?
3. What happens when we have too much acid in our stomachs?
4. Why do farmers and gardeners put lime on the soil?
5. Where in our bodies is there salt?
6. How does salt get into the sea?
7. What are three ways that we use salt?
8. Why is chlorine often put in swimming pools and drinking water?
9. Where does sugar come from?
10. Where does sugar cane and sugar beat grow?
11. Name one chemical which is made from sugar.
12. Where does chalk come from?
13. How was chalk formed?
14. What are two uses of chalk?

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Chemicals - Part B

Greetings science people! Here is our second vocab list for science!

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Onward, to CHEMICALS

Dancing Black Kids meme

Below is our working vocabulary for CHEMICALS part A. This will probably extend up to Christmas. Copy these words and definitions to a new vocabulary sheet.

Once we finish our reading in class, answer these questions below on a separate piece of paper:

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Happy Tuesday!

ELL Social Studies

Read this article. It is about polar vortexes. Pick a reading level you want to read at - at this time, many of you will be at 570L.


  1. What is a polar vortex and how does it move?
  2. Normally, the polar vortex is over the north pole. Why does it come south, sometimes?
  3. Write your own weather report for LONDON, ENGLAND. Use some exaggerated language. This is very unusual weather!

ELL Science
After we finish Lilo and Stitch, we'll finish the handout then move on to our big questions:
  1. Do you think aliens might exist? Why or why not?
  2. Summary time! Write a summary no more than half a page for this film. NO PHONES.

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Understanding weather

Check it out! Here's what a weather report might look like on your phone. What does it all mean?

You can see a similar, web-based report here.

Before we can speak about weather, we need to write about it. Answer these questions about your weather report:

  1. What will the weather be today? Will we see some sunlight?
  2. What is the high/low temperature?
  3. What is the POP?
  4. How far can you see on this day?
  5. How much will it rain?
  6. How much water is in the air?
  7. When does the sun rise and set?
  8. Do we need to wear sun screen today?

Friday, 1 December 2017

More Vocabuary // Weather

More vocab! Copy these down and make sentences. Don't worry - there's no more vocab after this.

  1. Flurry
  2. Showers
  3. Precipitation
  4. Ridge (high pressure or low pressure)
  5. Cyclone
  6. Hurricane
  7. Rainstorm
  8. Deluge
  9. Drizzle
  10. Humidity
  11. Pouring