Tuesday, 4 March 2025



Describe an ideal vacation. Think about these questions in your answer - why would you travel there? What activities would you plan? Who would you bring? 

Monday, 3 March 2025

Freud and Owell

Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis had much to say on the operation of our psychology. With a close look at Winston Smith in 1984, we see many opportunities for parallels. Check out the diagram in class for a little overview of his ideas.

All of the following quotes belong to Sigmund Freud:
  • "Repression is the foundation on which the whole structure of psychoanalysis rests."
  • "Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious."
  • "Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways."
Find a parallel in part 1 for each quote. No need for citations from 1984 for this one. Simply identify a chapter and explain in a few sentences and elaborate on similarities.

And a tough one:
  • "Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility."
You may have to interpret a little :)

ELL3: Choose 1!

  1. In A Knight’s Tale, William pretends to be a nobleman to compete in jousting tournaments. How does the film show the idea of changing who you are? Do you think William’s actions are right or wrong? Use examples from the film to explain your answer.
  2. William works very hard to go from being a peasant to a knight. How does the film show the challenges and rewards of following your dreams? Do you think hard work is enough to succeed, or do you also need luck? Explain your answer.

Friday, 28 February 2025

Part 1 chapter 4

  1. How does the Party use language and memory to maintain power? Find at least two examples (with quotations) from Chapter 4 that demonstrate how the Party manipulates language and memory to control the population.
  2. How does Chapter 4 develop the theme of truth and reality in 1984? Find at least three quotations that show how the Party distorts truth and creates its own version of reality. What is Orwell suggesting about the nature of truth in a totalitarian society?

Thursday, 27 February 2025

English 12


We'll be writing a synthesis essay in the later stages of 1984. Going forward we'll be reading quite quickly. Complete the comprehension handouts and we'll look over these items in class to begin our overview.
  1. Essay arguing the current validity of 1984 (Kakutani)
  2. Why Nobody Cares The President is Lying (Sykes)
  3. All of the Passages in 1984 that relate to you right now (Temple)
  4. Letter that explains why Orwell wrote 1984 (Orwell)

Also, here is Orwell's Essay: Politics and the English Language cited from the video.

Monday, 24 February 2025

A Sound of Thunder

ELL3: Here we go!

  1. How does the story show that people want to control nature? What are some good ways and bad ways that it shows this?
  2. The "path" in the story is an important symbol. Think about why Eckels steps off the path and why Travis says we must not step off the path. Eckels thinks he is brave and courageous, but when he sees the dinosaur, he loses his courage. Of course, we don't want to change the past, but Eckels does it anyway. What does the path represent in the story?
  3. In what ways does the story warn against using technology in bad ways?
  4. Look at the part of the story that describes the tyrannosaurus rex. Find 3 examples that describe it in a scary way. Use quotation marks! After you find 3 quotes, explain how each one creates a scary effect.
    1. Example: "Eckels swayed on the padded seat," (p. 363)

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Post-Presentation: TYFUB Reflection

 Greetings Grade 12s! After your presentation, please submit a brief reflection on the process and production of your presentation. Answer the questions and put your name at the top:

  1. What was your role in the development of the project? What did you contribute?
  2. During the presentation, what portion did you present
  3. Did you feel the work was fairly distributed and balanced within your group?

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

All Summer in a Day


Here's our short story, ELL3!

All Summer in a Day

Once we read we'll do some questions! Please use several sentences for each one. Explain your answer with evidence from the story.

  1. Why do the other children resent Margot? How do they express their jealousy?
  2. How does the story explore the theme of jealousy? How does jealousy influence the children’s actions?
  3. What does this story teach about jealousy? Explain.
  4. The sun is an important symbol in the story. What does it represent? How does it affect those who have never seen it before, how has it made Margot different than the others?
  5. What might this story suggest about how society treats people who are different.